Ewyas Harold Primary School

Life at Ewyas Harold Primary School Life at Ewyas Harold Primary School





Here at Ewyas Harold, our intent is that:

  • We inspire pupils' curiosity, fascination and respect for the world and people around them,
  • We stimulate pupils' interest in their surroundings,
  • We encourage pupils to have a sense of community,
  • We investigate and explore the local area to ensure that pupils develop a real sense of where they are and where they come from. We focus on their heritage and what makes our local area unique and special, but also different,
  • Pupils develop a love for learning in geography by gaining skills and knowledge, not just in the classroom but on field and educational trips.

Through Geography, we aim to ensure pupils are able to form balanced opinions and have a good understanding about current issues in society and the environment, such as globalization and climate change.



At Ewyas Harold, we will be teaching Geography focusing on links made with other subjects.  All lessons will focus on the knowledge and skills stated in the National Curriculum and will be planned to show progression and depth across each key stage. We give Geography an importance within the Curriculum to enable all children to gain a real-life experience which will include educational visit to places with geographical value.




The impact of our Geography Curriculum will be:

  • To provide children with a range of geographical skills and knowledge to encourage enquiry, formulate appropriate questions, develop research skills and evaluate material to inform opinions,
  • To prepare pupils so they are ready for the Curriculum in KS3 and for life as an adult in the wider world,
  • To give them an appreciation of what Global Citizenship means and the understanding of what it means to be a positive citizen in a multi-cultural country.

This impact with be evidenced in topic books, lesson observations and pupil interviews will also be used to gauge their level of understanding and their enjoyment of the subject.

To see our Geography policy please click here.



At Ewyas Harold our history curriculum is:

  • Rich in powerful knowledge, skills and vocabulary, which are specified, taught, assessed and remembered by pupils
  • Well-planned and sequenced so that key concepts are built on year by year in a clear and logical progression.
  • Rooted in the strongest available evidence about how pupils learn and retain knowledge in the long term.
  • Underpinned by a sharp use of assessment to support and progress learning.
  • Diverse and forward thinking, enabling children to make connections between their local area and the wider world.
  • Reflective of core British values which are embedded within the curriculum ensuring children are taught tolerance, respect and individual liberties through the conscious curriculum choices made.



 We will implement these intentions through following the guidance of the National Curriculum closely, with history being taught in chronological sequencing. Links will be made to locality and significant individuals who are identified as having made a difference and left a legacy. Some areas of inquiry across KS1 will be revisited in KS2 to help pupils develop links and understanding between historical periods and how they interlink through developing a wider understanding as they move up the school.

Teachers will plan appropriate trips out of school in order for children to gain knowledge and understanding through practical experiences. External visitors will be encouraged to visit school to link with the children’s learning and help develop the keen minds of historical inquiry among our pupils.



 Emphasis is placed on children gaining a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Children develop a deep curiosity about the world they live in and are enthusiastic about learning more about the past and how it has impacted on their lives today. Through this study, pupils learn to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement.


To see our History policy please click here.