Ewyas Harold Primary School

Life at Ewyas Harold Primary School Life at Ewyas Harold Primary School


For our current Attendance Policy please click here

School starts in the morning at 8:50am and finishes at 3:20pm - 32.5 hours per week.

Children should arrive at school in good time, but please do not arrive before 8.45am. As I’m sure you are aware, parents/carers are legally responsible for their child’s attendance at school and must ensure regular attendance. 

If your child is absent for any reason - please inform the school in person, by telephone or in writing. This also applies to children who need to leave during the day for any medical checks or treatment.

If your child arrives after our registers close this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence. As a parent(s) it is your legal responsibility, as stated under Section 444 of the Education Act 1996, to ensure that your child attends the school at which he/she is registered, regularly and punctually. Failure to do so may result in a Penalty Notice being issued against you and/or legal proceedings being considered.

Attendance records are kept and published annually as required by law.  Children will not normally be allowed to leave the premises for medical appointments, unless a note or personal call has been received, and parents/carers (over 18 yrs) must collect children if they are to leave school during the school day. 

Attendance records of all pupils are monitored fortnightly by the Headteacher and the Attendance Officer. We will contact parents/carers whenever we are concerned about the levels of absence.

You may receive a letter at the end of each half term/term relating to your child's attendance figures or persistent lateness. If attendance remains irregular, the Local Authority will now be requested to take more formal action. This will result in a Penalty Notice and/or prosecution through the Magistrates court for failing to ensure regular school attendance of your child under Section 444 Education Act 1996, and a fine of up to £2500 and/or 3 months in prison.

Due to legislation we are unable to grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances which doesn’t include a holiday.  Therefore,  any unauthorised absence (over 5 days within a term) will result in an immediate penalty notice of £60 per child, per parent.

Should you need to take your child out of school during term time please complete APPLICATION  FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE (Click Here) and return to school.