Class Dore

Mrs Gillian Generalovic
Mrs Jane Jones
Mrs Karen Adjei

Class teachers – Mrs J Jones (mornings), Mrs K Adjei (afternoons)

PPA – Mrs G Generalovic

TA Team – Mrs J Cole, Mrs Ju Jones and Mrs J Watkins

Welcome back to the new half term as we look forward to the upcoming Christmas season. Below are some details about the children’s learning this half term.

Mathematics this half term will see us learning about:-
Addition and Subtraction within 10
Fact families, addition and subtraction number bonds
Adding more by counting on and subtract by counting back.
10 more and 10 less
Geometry – Shape
Recognise and name 2d and 3d shapes.
Sort 2d and 3d shapes.
Patterns with 2d and 3d shapes.
Place Value within 20
Count forwards and backwards and write numbers to 20 in
numerals and words.
Explore numbers 11-20.
Tens and Ones

In English we are learning out Phase 5 sounds using the Twinkl phonics scheme. Phonics forms a large part of our English curriculum and is vital when teaching the children to become more confident and fluent in their reading and writing. In addition to our daily Phonics lessons we will by reading ‘I Want my Hat Back’ by Jon Klassen. We will continue to learn how to write captions, labels, lists making sure to include capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. As the children become more confident with their writing they will begin extending it to include lively and interesting descriptive language.  We continue to work on handwriting and letter formation daily, focusing on developing a relaxed and comfortable pencil grip and the correct formation and orientation of the letters.

Reading is a priority with all of the children and we will read regularly with your child focusing on their phonic skills and also understanding of story events and characters. Whole class reading is completed regularly with the children through their Phonics lessons. In addition the children have reading books and diaries for them to practice their reading skills at home. Please read regularly with your children at home and fill in the reading diary. We would love for you to read with your child/children five times per week if possible, the more practice that the children, do the more confident they become when completing individual work. We love rewarding the children for their ‘at home’ reading and we are delighted with the amount of children who have already received their Topaz award, well done!

Our Foundation Subjects will be taught by Mrs Adjei in the afternoons so do please pop over to Monnow Class Page for full details.

Geography and History will be taught in half termly blocks.

RE, PSHE, Computing and Music will all be taught weekly.

Our PE days will be on Mondays and Wednesdays, please ensure your child comes into school in their PE kit and any long hair is tied up. Snacks are provided for the children in line with our Healthy Schools status and milk is available should your child want it (please see Mrs Mailes to order).

I am always available to talk to at the end of the school day if you have any questions or concerns, however, it is always best to contact the office to make an appointment to have a suitable time to sit and discuss your child.

Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs J Jones


Mrs Jane Jones
Mrs Karen Adjei
Mrs Gillian Generalovic
Mrs Jenny Watkins
Mrs Julie Cole
Mrs Julie Jones


At Ewyas Harold our expectations are that children read to an adult at home a minimum of five times a week. Your child will have been given their reading diary and book, it is important that these are bought into school everyday to allow us to see what is being read at home and for the children to have their books changed regularly. Additionally, the children will bring home a library book each Friday to share at home with you.



Autumn – Early Years Foundation Stage

The teachers and assistant in Reception continue to watch and interact with the children every day to see what they are interested in and what they are good at. Then they plan a range of really exciting indoor and outdoor activities for the children following the Early

Welcome Back Class Dulas

This half term the children will be busy learning all about Ourselves. This will be through play whilst the adults are playing alongside, observing and providing resources to enhance and extend their play, as well as adult led input to whole class and

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