Welcome to our website!
Teacher – Mrs Adjei
Teaching Assistants – Mrs Cole, Mrs Watkins and Mrs Ju Jones.
Welcome back, after what I hope was a lovely Christmas break.
In Maths we are currently working on place value up to 100 and beyond. We will also be looking at addition, subtraction and shape. There will be a big focus on multiplication and the children will continue to count in 2s, 5s, 10s and relate this to the relevant times tables.
In English we will be continuing to look at a range of books, both fiction and non-fiction and writing a range of genres based on these books. As always, the children will be focusing on using their phonic knowledge to help with spelling and concentrating on the presentation of their work by practicing handwriting, daily.
We welcome Class Dore to join us for our afternoon sessions.
In Science the children are finding out about Habitats and Microhabitats and how they provide animals and plants with what they need to survive. They will be working scientifically to gather and record data.
In History we are looking at holidays in the past and how they have changed over the years and Geography is all about using maps and locating the countries of the UK. They will have the opportunity to create their own map of the school grounds using symbols to represent the different features.
In D.T. the children are exploring structures and what gives them stability. They will then create their own structure using the knowledge gained over the half term and in Art they will be making maps using various techniques, such as printmaking and felt making.
In Music, children will continue to explore sounds and use various instruments to support this.
Our big questions in R.E. this term are, ‘Who is Muslim and how do they live?’ and ‘What is the good news Christians believe Jesus brings?’
Our weekly computing lessons will see the children learning about the importance of E-safety and how to keep safe online.
In PSHE we will be looking at ‘Being in my world’ and ‘Celebrating Differences’ They will be introduced to the characters Yasmine and Tom, who will be used, as a tool to teach children about friendships and feelings.
I am always available after school, or you can make an appointment at your convenience, if you wish to speak to me.
Mrs K Adjei
Monday will be outdoor and Thursday will be indoor P.E, so all children in KS1 will come to school in their P.E. kit on those days. Please ensure your child has the correct P.E kit, thank you.
Children should be bringing their water bottles, healthy snack (if needed), reading book and diary to school, every day.
Please try to read with your child daily, as those precious minutes spent reading with them will be so beneficial to their learning.
Don’t forget to sign the reading diary, as this will count towards earning reading certificates.
Have a go at these links to keep your learning going.
The teachers and assistant in Reception continue to watch and interact with the children every day to see what they are interested in and what they are good at. Then they plan a range of really exciting indoor and outdoor activities for the children following the Early
This half term the children will be busy learning all about Ourselves. This will be through play whilst the adults are playing alongside, observing and providing resources to enhance and extend their play, as well as adult led input to whole class and
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