Class Wye

Mrs Gillian Generalovic
Mrs Julie Jones

Welcome to Class Wye.


This half term we will start by focusing on the book ’Varmints’ by Helen Ward before progressing onto ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. During these books, our writing objectives will focus on character descriptions, diary entries and news bulletins.
Throughout this term, we will also have separate sessions which focus on Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling, ensuring we equip our learners with the skills needed to construct fluent, coherent and accurate pieces of writing.


Our main focuses for this half-term will be on ’Addition and Subtraction’ and ‘Multiplication and Division’. Children will be given opportunities to demonstrate an understanding of adding and subtracting 4-digit numbers (both with and without exchanges), estimation and inverse operations, and a range of multiplication and division facts, which will form the foundations before we further progress through the curriculum.

Times Tables

We will have daily arithmetic sessions that focus on misconceptions that arise in class, as well as our times-tables. For this half-term we will continue to develop and embed our multiplication and division facts, ensuring we are fluent and show good recall of facts.

Please ensure your child continues to practice their times tables at home through the use of TTRS. This is an invaluable learning tool to support their speed and accuracy.


We will be learning and investigating ’Electricity and Circuits’. We’ll focus on aspects such as: Recognising how electrical appliances are powered, how to construct electrical circuits, electrical conductors and insulators and how to be safe around electricity.

History and Geography

We will be focusing on Geography for this half-term. We will be focusing on the question of ‘Who lives in Antarctica?’ We will be looking at the location and climate of Antarctica, physical and human features, Ernest Shackleton and planning an expedition.

Art and DT

For the first week back, Art will continue to focus on Painting and Mixed media, especially on ‘Light and Dark’. After that, our attention will switch to Design and Technology, where we will look at ‘Structures and Pavilions’.


Music lessons will continue to be taught from Encore.

In RE, we will be focusing on the question, ‘How do festivals and family life show what matters to Jews?’

PSHE will focus on ‘Celebrating Differences’. We will also continue our Yasmine and Tom RSE lessons.

PE will continue to be on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please can children come into school wearing their P.E kits.


There will be a new homework grid sent home at the start of each half-term. The expectation is for children to complete 1 task each week, from a range of subject areas.

Children are expected to read their reading books daily (making sure their reading records are signed). Children who continually read at home with receive certificates every 25 reads, and those who read the most, will receive a reward at the end of the academic year.

Weekly Spellings on PurpleMash

Complete 20 minutes of Times Table Rock Stars per week.

Mrs Julie Jones
Mrs Gillian Generalovic

Our School in the Community


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