Class Wye

Mrs Gillian Generalovic
Mr S Davies
Mrs Julie Jones

Welcome to Class Wye.


This half term we will continue by focusing on the book ’The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. The children will be given opportunities to write a range of different texts-types including letters, a news bulletin and a logbook entry with the extended written outcome being a published mystery narrative. Drama techniques such as conscience corridor and sculptor/sculpted are used to support understanding and to develop writing.

We will also be taking part in whole class reading on the book ‘Tamarind and the Star of Ishta’ by Jasbinder Bilan. Children will begin by considering the setting for the story and exploring the similarities and differences between the UK and India as presented in the text.  Throughout, there will be plentiful opportunities for children to answer retrieval and inference questions presented in different formats, as well as defining new vocabulary in context, predicting, sequencing and summarising.  The series of lessons culminates in children considering the significance of various items in the story.


Our main focuses for this half-term will be on ‘Multiplication and Division’, with increased focus being on our times tables. Through the use of White Rose Maths, NCETM, Oak Academy and Timestable Rockstars, we will equip our children to become fluent and accurate in their timestables with an increasing speed of their recall of facts.

Please ensure your child continues to practice their times tables at home through the use of TTRS. This is an invaluable learning tool to support their speed and accuracy.


We will continue to investigate ‘Electricity and Circuits’ with a focus on electrical conductors and insulators, and how to be safe around electricity. We will then move onto States of Matter including Solids, Liquids and Gases, The Water Cycle and Climate Change.

History and Geography

We will be focusing on History for this half-term. Our focus will be ‘What did the Ancient Egyptians believe?’ We will look at when the Ancient Egyptians lived, the Gods and Goddesses, Mummification and ‘The Book of the Dead.

Art and DT

Art will link closely to our history project as it will be based on ‘Ancient Egyptian Scrolls’. Pupils will be guided in understanding and applying the styles, patterns, and techniques of Ancient Egyptian art through lessons that include designing scrolls, making paper, and creating contemporary responses using zines.

Music will focus on Musical Contrasts

In RE, we will be focusing on the question, ‘How do festivals and worship show what matters to a Muslim? (Ibadah)

PSHE will focus on ‘Dreams and Goals’. We will also continue our Yasmine and Tom RSE lessons.

PE will now take place on Wednesdays and Thursdays. On Wednesdays, can children please come into school wearing their P.E kits. On Thursdays, can children please come into school wearing their School Uniform and bring their Swimming kits in a separate bag. This includes Towel, Swimming Costume/Trunks, Goggles (Optional) and a Swimming hat (if hair is shoulder length or longer)


There will be a new homework grid sent home at the start of each half-term. The expectation is for children to complete 1 task each week, from a range of subject areas.

Children are expected to read their reading books daily (making sure their reading records are signed). Children who continually read at home with receive certificates every 25 reads, and those who read the most, will receive a reward at the end of the academic year.

Weekly Spellings will be sent home in the children’s homework books.

Complete 20 minutes of Times Table Rock Stars per week.

Mr S Davies
Mrs Julie Jones
Mrs Gillian Generalovic

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