A word of welcome from our Governors

On behalf of governors, I’d like to welcome all parents / carers – returning and new – to our school. I hope you are all settling in to the new school year. We would like to get to know you all and for you to know who we are.

Governors’ duties are strategic. We work with staff to ensure your children get the very best all-round education. We check the finances are secure and the money is being spent in the best interests of the children; we oversee the policies that determine how the school is run; and we oversee children’s learning outcomes. We also set the strategic direction of the school and we take seriously our commitment that everyone, staff and pupils, keep safe, feel safe and are happy. Our vision of “Happy and Hardworking, Healthy Head & Heart” exemplifies this.

Our round of meetings starts soon. One of our first tasks will be to reflect on how well we as governors are doing and how we can improve. To this end, we have recently sent you all a short questionnaire so we can judge how much you know about us and what we do. Please take the time to fill it in – your views are valuable.

Your parent governors, Lauri Lloyd and Rachel Dyson, are your link to us, so please get in touch with them about anything of a general nature that you want to bring to our attention. Please be aware though that our role is strategic and they are tasked with bringing a parental perspective to our work. They (and we) are not operational, and anything relating to your own child or the day to day running of the school should be discussed in the first instance with school staff.

Please support our brilliant PTFA committee. They work extremely hard on behalf of us all to create a wonderful community spirit and raise a lot of money for the benefit of all our children. Governors thank them!

We were disappointed that no one volunteered to join our governing body to fill the parent governor vacancy. It requires a time commitment but it is rewarding knowing that you are contributing to the strategic direction of the school. If you think you may be interested, contact the office or any governor for more information. We also have one co-opted (non-parent) vacancy so if you know anyone please ask them to contact me.

Ann Jenner (Chair)

Current post: A word of welcome from our Governors

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